
Top 5 beginner Aerial Sling flows to try at your home practice

You can make any flow look magical if you add a beautiful spin. I was so hooked on the elegance but I literary threw up after my first try. Aerial Sling was so scary and challenging to learn as a beginner, and I almost gave up!

I tried all sorts of heck, you can find 10 practical tips that helped me to adapt to the feeling. To practice gaining control as a beginner at aerial sling, I find working on using different parts of our body as the key force helped me to progress the most. So here you can find 5 flows to practice to progress your beginner practice.

Spinning with the legs is the easiest

If you are new to spinning, this is definitely a great flow to start. This flow begins with the hammock around the thigh, moving the body from front to back. I always find it easier when using the leg(s) as the key force, as I am more likely to control my center.

Spin with the full-body

To get the maximum aerial space, I hung my fabric as long as possible without touching the ground. Then I can bring my full body standing on the hammock and feel how the spin changes as I extend and close my body.

>>Aerial Hammock & Hoop Setup at home |Different Height

Starting from a shoulder height

For this flow, I hung my hammock higher by shortening the aerial space. Having the hammock around my shoulder height allows more space under the hammock to mimic a high ceiling studio space.

The spin feels very different than the leg spin. It requires more upper body strength to move and core strength to keep the center.

Switching your key force during the dance

The challenging in this flow is beginning with the legs as the key force, and switching it to the hands once you arrive on top. It is definitely a fun one to try if you are ready for a mini challenge.

Beginner Aerial Sling Flow with an advanced trick

The challenge in this beautiful flow is to arrive at the flying superman pose with the support of your upper body strength. You will also work on maintain the spin in various aerial positions.

No matter how difficult it may feel now, you will feel completely different if you keep going with small but frequent practice. You will get there!

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