How to Get Flexible As an Adult: The First 3 Months of My Journey

When I started my flexibility journey, I thought I would magically become flexible if I just keep doing the same stretches every day. Little did I know getting flexible as an adult is about being consistent with stretches, listening to your body’s feedback, and treating it well as you grow.

Comparison of Eunice’s flexibility progress between April and July

If you manage to get through the first 3 months, then you are likely to have adapted to the habit and less likely to give up. Here is a full video on what getting flexible as an adult looks like after 1 year.

What does the first 3 months of getting flexible as an adult look like? Allow me to share with you how I trained, failed, and learned.

Phase 1. Getting Flexible Seemed Impossible


I was maybe not as stiff as average in most areas, but my shoulders and back were stiff as a rock from hours of sitting and bad postures.

How often did I stretch: 10 minutes/week

I never used to stretch outside my yoga and aerial dance classes. I did not understand the joy and importance of warming up and extending the body.

Phase 2. Over-stretching

Progress: Growing slowly but painfully

I was determined to not give up. When even walking started to hurt, I knew something is missing – REST. It was challenging to wait patiently for my body to heal, but a complete and full rest was absolutely needed. I didn’t stretch again until 5 days later.

How often did I stretch: 30 minutes to 1 hour/day

I followed various programs to stretch and push my flexibility limits EACH TIME (Don’t do this). After stretching intensively for 7 days straight, my body was in pain and something just didn’t feel right.

Phase 3. Feeling and Experimenting

Progress: My results became more noticeable in before/after comparisons.

After the short break, I thought I “lost” my flexibility. I noticed regression in stretches. The more I pay attention to how I stretch, the better the results were showing. I never knew flexibility is a self-discovery journey, both physically and mentally.

> Check out the full Top10 STRETCH playlist to find routines for your flexibility goals

How often did I stretch: 30-45 minutes/day, 4-5 days/week

I realized it wasn’t the program that didn’t work, it was HOW I was using these programs to get flexible. I pulled out a calendar, started marking REST days as important as training days. Mixing up different things to find out what is best suited for my schedule.

Phase 4. Finding Out What Works Best For Me


Progress: No more pain from over-stretching.

Stretching was becoming enjoyable. My body has slowly adapted to my new habit. My flexibility was growing so fast that I could feel my own progress. I began noticing my strength was lacking in order to get more flexible, active stretches since then have been an important part of my routines.

How often did I stretch: 25 minutes/day, 3-4 days/week

I slowly learned to understand how to listen to the signs of my body. Reducing the frequency and the length of each practice actually helps me grow faster.

Phase 5. Focusing on Alignmen

Progress: Experiencing the feeling of getting “younger.” I felt bendy!

What once used to be impossible was slowly becoming possible. I woke up every day with excitement, wondering what I could achieve today. My mind became stronger when facing challenges. I still have down times but continually growing and achieving offer high dosage of positivity daily.

How often did I stretch: 10-20 minutes/day, 3-4 days/week

The good thing about stretching is you can never be too busy to stretch. It is an activity that you will literary have too much of if you do not take rest. If you have a busy schedule like me (Full-time job + full-time content creating + practicing aerial dance + stretching), I found out even just stretching for 10 minutes a couple of times a week, your consistency will reward you more than anything.

My flexibility journey might not be shocking fast, but I can share it is totally possible to get flexible as an adult even with a busy lifestyle. All you need is 10 minutes (or 20 minutes if you have more time) a few times a week.

> Join the 28 days Morning Stretch flexibility challenge to kick start your flexibility journey

I put together a 28 days Morning Stretch follow-along routines on the aerialpractice YouTube Channel. My goal to share a piece of positivity and motivation with you. Feel free to jump in and get started.


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