
5 Beginner Aerial Mistakes You May Be Making

In this post, I am sharing with you 5 common beginner aerial mistakes. Whether you are practicing aerial hoop, hammock, or silks, let’s see if there is any beginner aerial mistakes you may be making.

#1 Skipping Out on Warm-ups

When you fall in love with aerial arts, you may be so excited to get back to the air every time you arrive at the studio. I get it, I was just like that. Our bodies can do amazing things but it is up to us how much care and attention we give.

If you are learning aerial with the goal to fly high and feel amazing for as long as you can. Skipping out on warm-ups may be one of the worst things you can do in the long run.

Practicing aerial arts is physically demanding. We push our limits in complex areas such as our shoulders, hips, and back. All you need is 10 minutes to prepare your body to fly safely.

Try out the stretching exercises I love for warm-ups before practice:

#2 Not Thinking About Safety

The number one priority for any beginner aerialist is safety! Never make this beginner aerial mistake

No matter which height you are working with, aerial is a dangerous activity and you should always practice with caution.

Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Make sure that your equipment is attached to secure anchor points.
  2. Your equipment should be properly installed and secure.
  3. When using a safety mat, make sure it is thick/wide enough for your practice.
  4. Have a spotter to support you in case you get stuck in the air.

#3 Skipping Out on Groundwork & Fundamentals

At first, I thought if I practiced aerial, I could get stronger without doing traditional exercises like push-ups or pull-ups. It turns out they are even more important for advancing in aerial.

Let me share with you the best advice for beginner aerialists:

Train TWICE as much on the ground as you do in the air!

If you are passionate about learning aerial, don’t skip out on floor workouts. I feel so much freer in the air after strengthening my core, legs, and upper body.

#4 Attempting Tricks That Are Too Advanced

If you aren’t ready for advanced tricks, you might feel defeated. But you could also get seriously hurt from not knowing what to anticipate or how to unwrap yourself.

I have made this mistake in my aerial practice and luckily my worst impact has just been a few pulled muscles. But it easily could have been a serious injury that would prevent me from training for a couple of months.

When I practice alone, I stick to tricks that I already know in order to build a good foundation. To practice new tricks, I will be sure that I am being spotted by a trusted person.

#5 Setting Your Expectations High

The human body is not made to fly, but that doesn’t mean we can’t go against gravity and feel amazing in the air. The point is it takes work, and work takes time.

Be patient with your body and continue your training. Strength and flexibility do not come in the blink of an eye, but you will get there.

Are you making any of these aerial beginner mistakes? It’s never too late to improve. Be better than yesterday, take one step at a time, and fly safe.

At aerialpractice, I share all of my secrets as I grow as an aerial dancer, giving you helpful tools to find your way as a beginner aerialist.

Stay tuned:

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